Opencart Vqmod Attribute,Position
Vqmod Attributes: 1. attribute "error" = this is three types log|skip|abort . skip = skip means it will simply ignore this file. log = log is the same as skip. but logs the error. (default) abort = abort means to log the error and cancel the remaining operations in that particular xml script. 2. attribute "position" = this is seven types before|after|replace|top|bottom|ibefore|iafter . before = before will insert the add data before the search data. after = after will insert the add data after the search data replace = replace will replace the data in the search tag with the data in the add tag. (default) top = top will insert the add data at the top of the file. The search data is ignored. bottom = bottom will insert the add data at the bottom of the file. The search data is ignored. ibefore = ibefore will insert the...