Change Localhost Apache XAMPP Port 80 to 1234
Note:- From This Process You can install multiple Xampp in Single Computer or Drive.
1. Open XAMPP Control Panel.
2.To Open the Apache "httpd.conf" file click the “Config” button next to Apache “Start” and “Admin” buttons in Xampp Control Panel that would be like this :- Apache(httpd.conf) In the popup menu that opens, click and open httpd.conf
3. Within the httpd.conf file search for “listen”. You’ll find two rows with something like;
Listen 80
Change the port no to a port no. of your choice (e.g. port 1234) like below
Listen 1234
4.Next, in the same httpd.conf file look for “ServerName localhost:” Set it to the new port no.
ServerName localhost:1234
5. Save and close the httpd.conf file.
6. Now click the Apache config button again and open the “httpd-ssl.conf” file.
7. In the httpd-ssl.conf file, look for “Listen” again. You may find:
Listen 443
Change it to listen on a new port no of your choice. Say like:
Listen 1443
8. In the same httpd-ssl.conf file find another line that says, “<VirtualHost _default_:443>”. Change this to your new port no. (like 1443)
9. Also in the same httpd-ssl.conf you can find another line defining the port no. For that look for “ServerName”. you might find something like:
ServerName or ServerName localhost:433
Change this ServerName to your new port no
10. Save and close the httpd-ssl.conf file.
11. Finally, there’s just one more place you should change the port no. For that, click and open the “Config” button of your XAMPP Control Panel. Then click the, “Service and Port Settings” button. Within it, click the “Apache” tab and enter and save the new port nos in the “main port” and “SSL port” boxes. Click save and close the config boxes.
12. Congratulations Port Chage Successfully. You can start your Apache and Mysql and Browse Localhost to http://localhost:1234
1. Open XAMPP Control Panel.
2.To Open the Apache "httpd.conf" file click the “Config” button next to Apache “Start” and “Admin” buttons in Xampp Control Panel that would be like this :- Apache(httpd.conf) In the popup menu that opens, click and open httpd.conf
3. Within the httpd.conf file search for “listen”. You’ll find two rows with something like;
Listen 80
Change the port no to a port no. of your choice (e.g. port 1234) like below
Listen 1234
4.Next, in the same httpd.conf file look for “ServerName localhost:” Set it to the new port no.
ServerName localhost:1234
5. Save and close the httpd.conf file.
6. Now click the Apache config button again and open the “httpd-ssl.conf” file.
7. In the httpd-ssl.conf file, look for “Listen” again. You may find:
Listen 443
Change it to listen on a new port no of your choice. Say like:
Listen 1443
8. In the same httpd-ssl.conf file find another line that says, “<VirtualHost _default_:443>”. Change this to your new port no. (like 1443)
9. Also in the same httpd-ssl.conf you can find another line defining the port no. For that look for “ServerName”. you might find something like:
ServerName or ServerName localhost:433
Change this ServerName to your new port no
10. Save and close the httpd-ssl.conf file.
11. Finally, there’s just one more place you should change the port no. For that, click and open the “Config” button of your XAMPP Control Panel. Then click the, “Service and Port Settings” button. Within it, click the “Apache” tab and enter and save the new port nos in the “main port” and “SSL port” boxes. Click save and close the config boxes.
12. Congratulations Port Chage Successfully. You can start your Apache and Mysql and Browse Localhost to http://localhost:1234