Magento 2 images,logo,font awesome,CSS and JavaScript not loading

I was facing this  problem when I install Magento version 2. there solution is so simple

1.Open DOS Command Prompt from Xampp Control Panel.

Now Type this command:-
cd htdocs/(your folder name) PRESS ENTER

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy PRESS ENTER
2. Or We can try this second way.

We have to delete caches and sessions of Magento version 2. Go to following paths and delete everything:
ROOT > var > cache > *DELETE ALL*
ROOT > var > page_cache > *DELETE ALL*
ROOT > var > session > *DELETE ALL*
When Magento 2 is not in production mode, it will try to create symlinks for some static resources on local server. We have to change that behavior of Magento 2 by going to edit ROOT > app > etc > di.xml file. Open up di.xml in your favorite code editor, find the virtualType name="developerMaterialization" section. In that section below, you will find an item <item name="view_preprocessed" xsi:type="object"> which needs to be modified. You can modify it by changing the following content:
Now last step, also delete old files generated in ROOT > pub > static > DELETE ALL EXCEPT .HTACCESS

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