Opencart Vqmod Attribute,Position

Vqmod Attributes:

1. attribute "error" = this is three types log|skip|abort

  • skip = skip means it will simply ignore this file.
  • log log is the same as skip. but logs the error. (default)
  • abort  abort means to log the error and cancel the remaining operations in that particular xml script.

2. attribute "position" = this is seven types before|after|replace|top|bottom|ibefore|iafter

  • before before will insert the add data before the search data.
  • after after will insert the add data after the search data
  • replace replace will replace the data in the search tag with the data in the add tag. (default)
  • top top will insert the add data at the top of the file. The search data is ignored.
  • bottom bottom will insert the add data at the bottom of the file. The search data is ignored.
  • ibefore ibefore will insert the code before the search inline instead of the line before
  • iafter iafter will insert the code after the search inline instead of the line before

3. attribute "trim" set to true|false
  • true will trim away whitespace and linebreaks.
  • leave out or set to true to trim. (default is true)

4. attribute "regex" set to true|false
  • If true, the search data should be a valid regex pattern
  • Leave out or set to FALSE to use normal string search (default)
  • Does not apply to ibefore and iafter  
5. attribute "index" for specifying which instances of a search tag should be acted on. 
  • If the search string is "echo" and there are 5 echos in the file, but only want to replace the 1st and 3rd, use index="1,3"
  • Comma delimited for multiple instances starting with "1"
  • Leave out or set to FALSE to replace all instances. (default)
6. attribute "offset" to work with the position 
  • if the search position is before and offset 3 it will put the add data before the line, 3 lines above the searched line
  • if the search position is after and offset 3 it will put the add data after the line, 3 lines below the searched line
  • if the search position is replace and offset 3 it will remove the code from the search line and the next 3 lines and replace it with the add data
  • if the search position is top and offset 3 it will put the code before the line, 3 lines below the top of the file
  • if the search position is bottom and offset 3 it will put the code after the line, 3 lines above the bottom of the file

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