Opencart Affiliate Program

Opencart Store affiliate program is free and enables members to earn revenue by placing a link or links on their web site which advertises Your Store or specific products on it. Any sales made to customers who have clicked on those links will earn the affiliate commission. The standard commission rate is currently 5%

NOTE:- There is no necessary to a Customer to be affiliate mean Any body can be an affiliate to earn commission money from site. and Customer can also be affiliate by registering sepreatly as an Affiliate.

* Activate and configure your OpenCart affiliate program and manage your affiliates

Description : please login your OpenCart admin and Go to System-> Settings Page and  edit your store and select the Options tab In the Options tab scroll down to the Affiliate section and change setting according to your choice for affiliate program. 

When you are done with your settings. your can sign up as affiliate from frontend by going to the footer menu link Affiliate or by going to this link http:/[Your Sitename]/index.php?route=affiliate/login 

After Registering or Login you will be redirected to affiliate account page. you can get your affiliate tracking code by going to Affiliate Tracking can get this page in affiliate account page by clicking link Custom Affiliate Tracking Code at Affiliate Tracking Page you can easily get your affiliate tracking code and share to your friends or colleagues.

After Sharing this link if someone come to your website with this link and purchase that particular product that is containing tracking code http://[Your Sitename]/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=30&tracking=[Your Tracking Code] . You will get commission according to set by admin like if commision is 5% . you will get 5% commission. you can view all your earn commission  at Affiliate Transaction Page. 

All earned commission by any affiliate will get to their bank account by admin in opencart by default are:- 1. Cheque 2. PayPal 3. Bank Transfer  That you chooses at affiliate registration page.

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