
Wordpress all Functions
STAR LOGIC Programming PHP  INPUT <?php for($i=4;$i>=1;$i--){ for($j=1;$j<=$i;$j++){ echo "&nbsp;\t"; } for($k=4;$k>=$i;$k--){ echo "*"; echo "&nbsp;\t"; } echo "<br/>"; } for($l=1;$l<=4;$l++){ for($m=1;$m<=$l;$m++){ echo "&nbsp;\t"; } for($n=4;$n>=$l;$n--){ echo "*"; echo "&nbsp;\t"; } echo "<br/>"; } ?>  OUTPUT         *        *  *      *  *  *    *  *  *  *    *  *  *  *      *  *  *        *  *          *

Opencart Affiliate Program

Opencart Store affiliate program is free and enables members to earn revenue by placing a link or links on their web site which advertises Your Store or specific products on it. Any sales made to customers who have clicked on those links will earn the affiliate commission. The standard commission rate is currently 5% NOTE:- There is no necessary to a Customer to be affiliate mean Any body can be an affiliate to earn commission money from site. and Customer can also be affiliate by registering sepreatly as an Affiliate. * Activate and configure your OpenCart affiliate program and manage your affiliates Description :  please login your OpenCart admin and Go to System-> Settings Page and    edit your store and select the Options tab  In the Options tab scroll down to the Affiliate section and change setting according to your choice for affiliate program.  When you are done with your settings. your can sign up as affiliate fr...

Magento 2 images,logo,font awesome,CSS and JavaScript not loading

I was facing this  problem when I install Magento version 2. there solution is so simple 1. Open DOS Command Prompt from Xampp Control Panel. Now Type this command:- cd htdocs/ (your folder name) PRESS ENTER php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy PRESS ENTER 2.  Or We can try this second way. We have to delete caches and sessions of Magento version 2. Go to following paths and delete everything: ROOT > var > cache > *DELETE ALL* ROOT > var > page_cache > *DELETE ALL* ROOT > var > session > *DELETE ALL* When Magento 2 is not in production mode, it will try to create symlinks for some static resources on local server. We have to change that behavior of Magento 2 by going to edit  ROOT > app > etc > di.xml  file. Open up  di.xml  in your favorite code editor, find the  virtualType name="developerMaterialization"  section. In that section below, you will find an item  <item name="view...

unexpected end of json input in Opencart Admin Order Edit

Hi, I am getting this error in Opencart Edit order in Admin as javascript alert  unexpected end of json input . I found this  solution by just adding API in System-> Users->API . then select this api in System->Settings->[Edit]Store->Option Tab->Checkout Section . then I checked again by editing any order in admin. I didn't get error  again.My error has been fixed. For more detail of this  this follow given below link:- 2. or the second solution for the same problem I found by fixing language character. I had spanish language installed where some character is generating this error. so I changed that character and problem has been fixed like !,~,`,^ etc.

Woocommerce reset password button not working- Wordpress

I was facing problem that woo-commerce reset password button was not working. it was always showing disabled.when I click on button it also not showing any error that we need email address to reset password. I fixed it on my own. I found that woo-commerce cart page is selected as my account page in admin in woo-commerce setting page. also in cart page have short code  [woocommerce_cart]   and  [woocommerce_my_account] .so both shortcode was collapsing to each other. so I removed  [woocommerce_my_account]   shortcode from cart page and also I set my account page for my account page in woo-commerce setting page. Now its working fine. :)

Important Point about Multi store in Opencart

Main Store should to be in root folder like /public_html/ While adding new store in Opencart Admin URL must to be like this not like this Since by default opencart not assign any product or store so you would have to assign manually categories,product,module each thing sepreatly to new store.