Cant use dump() function in twig files or how to enable debug in opencart twig or print_r alternate use dump() in opencart 3.0

if you are facing the following problem.

Cant use dump() function in twig files


how to enable debug in opencart twig


 print_r alternate use dump() in opencart 3.0

for fixing this problem follow these steps

You can activate dump() function for twig environment by following these steps in opencart 3.0 :
  1. Go to system/library/template/Twig/Environment.php
  2. Here in the constructor function, you can find $options array. Set 'debug' option to 'true'.
  3. Now we need to include debug extension, so
  4. add $this->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug()); below.
  5. Now you can use {{ dump(your_variable_name) }} as print_r variable in php
That's all 😅😆😛

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