
Showing posts from July, 2016

Magento 2 images,logo,font awesome,CSS and JavaScript not loading

I was facing this  problem when I install Magento version 2. there solution is so simple 1. Open DOS Command Prompt from Xampp Control Panel. Now Type this command:- cd htdocs/ (your folder name) PRESS ENTER php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy PRESS ENTER 2.  Or We can try this second way. We have to delete caches and sessions of Magento version 2. Go to following paths and delete everything: ROOT > var > cache > *DELETE ALL* ROOT > var > page_cache > *DELETE ALL* ROOT > var > session > *DELETE ALL* When Magento 2 is not in production mode, it will try to create symlinks for some static resources on local server. We have to change that behavior of Magento 2 by going to edit  ROOT > app > etc > di.xml  file. Open up  di.xml  in your favorite code editor, find the  virtualType name="developerMaterialization"  section. In that section below, you will find an item  <item name="view...

unexpected end of json input in Opencart Admin Order Edit

Hi, I am getting this error in Opencart Edit order in Admin as javascript alert  unexpected end of json input . I found this  solution by just adding API in System-> Users->API . then select this api in System->Settings->[Edit]Store->Option Tab->Checkout Section . then I checked again by editing any order in admin. I didn't get error  again.My error has been fixed. For more detail of this  this follow given below link:- 2. or the second solution for the same problem I found by fixing language character. I had spanish language installed where some character is generating this error. so I changed that character and problem has been fixed like !,~,`,^ etc.

Woocommerce reset password button not working- Wordpress

I was facing problem that woo-commerce reset password button was not working. it was always showing disabled.when I click on button it also not showing any error that we need email address to reset password. I fixed it on my own. I found that woo-commerce cart page is selected as my account page in admin in woo-commerce setting page. also in cart page have short code  [woocommerce_cart]   and  [woocommerce_my_account] .so both shortcode was collapsing to each other. so I removed  [woocommerce_my_account]   shortcode from cart page and also I set my account page for my account page in woo-commerce setting page. Now its working fine. :)